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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tommy Receives Two Reviews

When you give your book to friends and family you realize that they are most likely going to say your book was great no matter how they truly feel. Now they might be giving you an honest review, but the thought of them being kind will always be in the back of your mind. I'm not saying it's not nice to hear or that I take the compliments lightly. But you just never know.

So when I sent out .PDF copies of Tommy to two different authors (Mariana Llanos and Karen Kelly Boyce) to review, I was a little nervous. They don't know me and they had no incentive to give a positive or good review. So when I received word that the reviews were out and there was nothing I could do about the content I felt a tinge of anxiety.

I am happy to say that both reviews were very positive and blew me away. I can't explain adequately what that feeling feels like but let's just say it's a great one.

So please check out both of the reviews below and share them to your hearts delight!


